Tabby Payment Gateway Integration With Laravel

Tabby Payment Gateway Integration With Laravel

In this article, I explain how to integrate the Laravel app with tabby payment in simple steps.

step one:

you must have test keys .

  1. public key test

  2. secret key test

Or have live keys:

  1. public key live

  2. secret key live

contact Tabby to get it.

step two:

create a class called TabbyService.php on the App/Services path, I will use HTTP Client to send requests.


namespace App\Services;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;

class TabbyService 
    public $base_url = "";
    public $pk_test = "pk_test_XXXXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
    public $sk_test = "sk_test_XXXXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";


step three:

add the createSession function to make a payment and get a redirect URL.


namespace App\Services;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;

class TabbyService 
    public $base_url = "";
    public $pk_test = "pk_test_XXXXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
    public $sk_test = "sk_test_XXXXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";

    public function createSession($data)
        $body = $this->getConfig($data);

        $http = Http::withToken($this->pk_test)->baseUrl($this->base_url);

        $response = $http->post('checkout',$body);

        return $response->object();

step four:

add the getSession function to check payment is successful, and use the secret key to check payment.


namespace App\Services;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;

class TabbyService 
    public $base_url = "";
    public $pk_test = "pk_test_XXXXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
    public $sk_test = "sk_test_XXXXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";

    public function getSession($payment_id)
        $http = Http::withToken($this->sk_test)->baseUrl($this->base_url);

        $url = 'checkout/'.$payment_id;

        $response = $http->get($url);

        return $response->object();

step five:

add the config function.


namespace App\Services;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;

class TabbyService 
    public $base_url = "";
    public $pk_test = "pk_test_XXXXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
    public $sk_test = "sk_test_XXXXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";

    public function getConfig($data)
        $body= [];

        $body = [
            "payment" => [
                "amount" => $data['amount'],
                "currency" => $data['currency'],
                "description" =>  $data['description'],
                "buyer" => [
                    "phone" => $data['buyer_phone'],
                    "email" => $data['buyer_email'],
                    "name" => $data['full_name']
                "shipping_address" => [
                    "city" => $data['city'],
                    "address" =>  $data['address'],
                    "zip" => $data['zip'],
                "order" => [
                    "tax_amount" => "0.00",
                    "shipping_amount" => "0.00",
                    "discount_amount" => "0.00",
                    "updated_at" => now(),
                    "reference_id" => $data['order_id'],
                    "items" => 
                "buyer_history" => [
                    "registered_since"=> $data['registered_since'],
                    "loyalty_level"=> $data['loyalty_level'],
            "lang" => app()->getLocale(),
            "merchant_code" => "your merchant_code",
            "merchant_urls" => [
                "success" => $data['success-url'],
                "cancel" => $data['cancel-url'],
                "failure" => $data['failure-url'],

        return $body;

Step Six:

now you can see the full CLASS: TabbyService.php


namespace App\Services;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;

class TabbyService 
    public $base_url = "";
    public $pk_test = "pk_test_XXXXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
    public $sk_test = "sk_test_XXXXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";

    public function createSession($data)
        $body = $this->getConfig($data);

        $http = Http::withToken($this->pk_test)->baseUrl($this->base_url);

        $response = $http->post('checkout',$body);

        return $response->object();

    public function getSession($payment_id)
        $http = Http::withToken($this->sk_test)->baseUrl($this->base_url);

        $url = 'checkout/'.$payment_id;

        $response = $http->get($url);

        return $response->object();

    public function getConfig($data)
        $body= [];

        $body = [
            "payment" => [
                "amount" => $data['amount'],
                "currency" => $data['currency'],
                "description" =>  $data['description'],
                "buyer" => [
                    "phone" => $data['buyer_phone'],
                    "email" => $data['buyer_email'],
                    "name" => $data['full_name']
                "shipping_address" => [
                    "city" => $data['city'],
                    "address" =>  $data['address'],
                    "zip" => $data['zip'],
                "order" => [
                    "tax_amount" => "0.00",
                    "shipping_amount" => "0.00",
                    "discount_amount" => "0.00",
                    "updated_at" => now(),
                    "reference_id" => $data['order_id'],
                    "items" => 
                "buyer_history" => [
                    "registered_since"=> $data['registered_since'],
                    "loyalty_level"=> $data['loyalty_level'],
            "lang" => app()->getLocale(),
            "merchant_code" => "your merchant_code",
            "merchant_urls" => [
                "success" => $data['success-url'],
                "cancel" => $data['cancel-url'],
                "failure" => $data['failure-url'],

        return $body;


make payment:

        $items = collect([]); // array to save your products

        // add first product
            'title' => 'title',
            'quantity' => 2,
            'unit_price' => 20,
            'category' => 'Clothes',

        $order_data = [
            'amount'=> 199, 
            'currency' => 'SAR',
            'description'=> 'description',
            'full_name'=> 'ALi Omer',
            'buyer_phone'=> '966500000001', 
            'buyer_email' => '',
            'address'=> 'Saudi Riyadh', 
            'city' => 'Riyadh',
            'zip'=> '1234',
            'order_id'=> '1234',
            'registered_since' => $customer->created_at,
            'loyalty_level'=> 0,
            'success-url'=> route('success-url'),
            'cancel-url' => route('cancel-url'),
            'failure-url' => route('failure-url'),
            'items' => $items,

        $tabby = new TabbyService();

        $payment = $tabby->createSession($order_data);

        $id = $payment->id;

        $redirect_url = $payment->configuration->available_products->installments[0]->web_url;

        return redirect($redirect_url);

Here's a payment page:

Check Payment Status with ID.

 $tabby = new TabbyService();

 $order = Order::find(1);

 $tabby_payemnt = $tabby->getSession($order->payment_id);

 if (isset($tabby_payemnt ->payment) && $tabby_payemnt ->payment->status == "CLOSED") {
         $order->status == 'PAID';
         $order->paid == true;

Test Cards.



Phone 1: +966-50-0000001

Phone 2: +971-50-0000001

OTP: 8888

card number: 4111111111111111

expiration date: any future date

cvv: any number

Important Points:

  • make sure you add Webhooks, click here to see the doc

  • you must add a promo product to the product page details and cart page.

  • you can get all details in your email when contact Tabby.

  • for more information visit API Docs Of Tabby.